Charting the Path of Automotive Evolution

In the rapidly changing landscape of the automotive industry, Virya Automotive confidently positions itself at the vanguard of this transformation. While many may stand by, content in mere observation of the unfolding future, we at Virya choose to be a pivotal part of its creation. As passionate architects of the automotive realm, our dedication extends beyond the boundaries of conventional thinking. We harness our ingenuity, blending it seamlessly with practical insights, ensuring every challenge is met with a solution rooted in innovation. Our ethos is centered on nurturing a vibrant ecosystem where the spirit of invention is not only encouraged but celebrated. At Virya, we don’t just offer solutions; we forge the path forward, ensuring every step is a leap towards a more advanced and connected automotive future.

Our Expertise

  • ADAS & Autonomous Systems: Our commitment to safety and seamless driving is evident in our cutting-edge Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicle solutions. We aim for smarter, safer roads and our technology is paving the way.
  • Infotainment: Elevating in-vehicle experiences, our infotainment solutions are tailored to provide passengers and drivers with a captivating blend of entertainment, information, and connectivity.
  • Electric Powertrain: In a world steadily pivoting towards sustainable mobility, we engineer electric powertrain solutions that aren’t just eco-friendly but are power-packed and efficient.
  • Connected Vehicle Technologies: Through our advanced connectivity solutions, we’re bridging the gap between vehicles, infrastructure, and other devices, streamlining communication and maximizing efficiency.
  • Digital Connected Solutions: In the age of digital transformation, we offer solutions that ensure vehicles aren’t just modes of transportation, but smart devices that interact and adapt.
  • AUTOSAR: Adhering to industry standards, our AUTOSAR solutions offer modular software architectures that ensure compatibility, scalability, and future-proofing.

Human Resource Solutions

Understanding the industry’s need for top-tier talent, we provide comprehensive human resource solutions. Whether you are an automotive OEM scouting for external consultants or professionals looking to carve a niche in the automotive sector, Virya is your trusted partner. We bridge the talent gap, connecting automotive OEMs with skilled professionals tailored to meet specific project needs.

Our Mission

To be the beacon of transformative automotive solutions, steering our partners towards a smarter, sustainable, and connected future. With Virya Automotive, you’re not just adapting to the future; you’re shaping it.


If you’re an automotive OEM looking for expert consultants or a visionary seeking a place to innovate and grow, Virya Automotive welcomes you. Together, let’s drive the future.